The largest vegetable program in the Netherlands proves that the younger generation finds vegetables fun and delicious.
The Hague, Wednesday, July 3 – In the city where the subject of health should be at the top of the political agenda, today the Gezonde Smikkelweken ’24 were announced. The largest vegetable program in the Netherlands for children of elementary school age, three previous editions have proven that eating vegetables is fun, tasty and important. Half of adults and 1 in 7 children are overweight; this calls for more attention to healthy eating. Some 70,000 children, at home and at daycare centers, are participating in the Spoony Foundation’s healthy initiative this year. A summer full of vegetable challenges, games and recipes, on the way to a better lifestyle and future.

Health organizations proclaim a huge health problem*. Children no longer grow up healthy – 1 in 7 is overweight.** This must and can be changed. Three previous Gezonde Smikkelweken editions by Stichting Spoony – with participating children from daycare centers and home from all over the Netherlands – have shown that children find the craziest vegetables interesting, fun and tasty.
Success proven
Scientific research*** shows that experiential food education – such as Gezonde Smikkelweken activities – is effective in giving children a healthier lifestyle. Research also showed that the vegetable activity program fits well into full daycare schedules. Both children and parents are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the way more vegetables are eaten through play. Win-win.
Phaedra Mensen, chairman of the Spoony Foundation: ”The news lately says it all: there is too little attention for healthy food. We live unhealthy lives and take children with us in this. I have seen this for years and that is why I founded the Spoony Foundation, with the mission to get children to eat more vegetables more often. And with success. Only it is clear more is needed, starting with nutrition education. I am proud of the fact that this year almost 70,000 children at day care centers are participating in Gezonde Smikkelweken, and that all children at home in the Netherlands can participate for free starting today. I hope this will contribute to a positive turnaround in both our lifestyles and the political focus on this subject.”
Official launch with famous children's chef
This edition of Gezonde Smikkelweken officially kicked off today, together with children’s chef Nick Toet, at a daycare center in The Hague. Yellow beet fries with green mayo were made, a sensory game was played with crazy vegetables like the tamarillo and a rainbow pizza was baked.

**Source: RIVM
*** Source: Gezonde Smikkelweken onderzoek, Femke A. Hoefnagels, Marieke C.E. Battjes-Fries. 2022. Evaluatie opschaling van de Gezonde Smikkelweken op de buitenschoolse opvang. 2022-040 VG. Louis Bolk Instituut, Bunnik.